Incredible: How IKEDC Turned Agege Residents Into Money Making Machine

…Houses get astronomical 120% monthly bill
…They’re rich enough to pay the bill – IKEDC
The news of Nigeria’s power distribution companies dishing out astronomical power bills to consumers across the country cannot be overemphasized. Obviously, it is no longer news to the populace, as this singular action is synonymous with the discos, leaving Nigerians without prepaid power meter to pay through their noses for power they do not consume.
Since the privatization of the power sector, one of the beneficiaries, Ikeja Electric Distribution Company, IKEDC has always been alleged to be more interested in milking its consumers of their hard earned money without equating it with services expected of them.
According to credible information at our disposal, power consumers in Agege are not happy with IKEDC. It was gathered that the disco has intentionally decided to deprive the residents prepaid meter as being agitated for by the people who feel cheated on a monthly basis by IKEDC.
Agegepulse learnt that the residents of Adedosu Street, off Akilo Road, Agege were greeted with a New Year shock when they were served their December 2018 bill by the IKEDC. It was gathered that the bill came with the 120% increment trend that has been witnessed continuously for months despite constant complaints to IKEDC.
Accordingly to a resident of Adedosu Street who claimed anonymity, she said IKEDC have turned their street to money making machine, where the average monthly billing for each building of face me and face apartments is ranging from N25,000 to N50,000.00 respectively. (i.e single room pays N6,000-N7,000.00 monthly).
Though, she confirmed the relatively constant availability of power supply, yet she claimed that prepaid meter would help them to regulate the power usage through appropriate billing. She alleged that residents have constantly lodged complaints on this crazy billing to IKEDC but would not yield to their plight.
“We have always complained and requested for prepaid meter but the IKEDC have always turned dumb ear. We are very sure that they (IKEDC) are doing this intentionally to be reaping us of our hard earned money through skyrocket estimated billing”. She alleged.
Another resident who resides on the same street shared his own sad experience. He said; “I am occupying a 2-bedroom flat and I receive nothing less than N25,000 on a monthly estimated billing.”I have invited them to my resident on several occasions to check if my electrical appliances would consume power to the tune of the N25,000 estimated bill they serve me monthly but they didn’t care how you feel about it.”
He also alleged the IKEDC of denying the street prepaid meter due to illegal estimated billing that increases about 120% monthly, sighting that neighbouring streets have received their prepaid meters months ago leaving Adedosu Street without prepaid meter because of the extortion by Ikeja Electric staff.
“Other members of the community and I have made several efforts to get prepaid meter from IKEDC but they declined our requests simply because of the corrupt practices they are perpetrating through the exorbitant and extorting estimated billing they are serving us monthly.” The concerned resident regretted.
“When we complained to IKEDC staff that come to disconnect peoples’ light about this extortion, their response was that we are rich enough to pay the bills. That is how serious the matter is.” Another resident alleged.
“The most pathetic part of the story here that, according to residents, staff of IKEDC hurriedly disconnect customers a week after serving them a bill irrespectively of reasons behind their inability to pay immediately.”
When Agegepulse contacted IKEDC to react to the allegations through their customer careline, we were told that the affected customers should get in touch with the Business Unit Department in Oregun, Alausa for review of the estimated billing.
Lagos State Government and other stakeholders to interfere in this corrupt practice from IKEDC before residents began to take laws into their own hands.