The Consequences Of Nuclear War
By Abu Bakr Ladd
Last year my wife Aliyyah and I had the good fortune to sit in the front row at the German Jalsa in Karlsruhe, when Khalifatul Masih, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may God protect him and grant him righteous helpers) made a startling statement to the German guests who were in attendance.
He said; “the world is on a knife’s edge of nuclear war”. Those of you who are fond of knives know that the edge of the knife is very thin and very sharp. The audience to whom he spoke were for the most part Germans and perhaps visitors from other European countries like Bosnia, Hungary, etc. Only those Pakistani Ahmadies who had guests were allowed to enter the hall with their respective guests. This statement by the Khalifa may have come as a shock to some of the guests, but not to my wife and I as we were in the process of migrating to Senegal precisely to avoid the worst impact of this looming nuclear war.
Indeed, just a year or so earlier the Khalifa declared that; “it seems that the Third World War has already started”. And perhaps 2 or 3 years earlier he sent a letter to every major religious and political leader in the world, warning them and advising them to dial back from confrontation and injustice lest these confrontations and injustices lead to a catastrophe unlike any the world has ever seen.
By the Grace of God, in the last few years, my wife and I have had the good fortune to be enabled to travel to different countries and to many States in America. Wherever we go we visit the local Ahmadiyya Community and we meet with the diverse members.
If Statistical Analysis is a science, then I can say without a doubt that more than 90% of the Ahmadiyya Community does not believe that war is imminent; nor are they following the advice of the Khalifa to store food and water for 6 months; nor are they taking the homeopathic remedies which he has prescribed for radiation sickness and poisoning. Indeed, the President of the Ahmadiyya Medical Association describes homeopathy as “hocus pocus”! and makes public claims that “there is no evidence that homeopathy works”. This of course stands in direct contradiction to the testimony of the 4th Khalifa, may God exalt him, who claims that there exist many proofs that homeopathy works. Not to mention the millions of people around the world who use homeopathic remedies on a regular basis and can testify to its efficacy.
So to what do we ascribe this curious condition of the Ahmadi Community which in general obeys and follows the advice of the Khalifa of the Time?
Number one would be disbelief in the Prophecies of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him).
Number two would be lack of belief in the guidance and direction of the present Khalifa.
Number three would be a lack of reading the books of the 4th Khalifa, especially Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth, and The Gulf War and the New World Order.
Number four would be not understanding The Message of Peace and A Word of Warning by the 3rd Khalifa. (God bless him)
Number five would be not fully comprehending the current geopolitical realities.
Number six would be not understanding the nature and state of nuclear weapons today.
Number seven would be not understanding the full consequences of the impact of nuclear war upon the United States and the rest of the world.
Let me begin with number seven first.
Most of you are aware of a chemical plant in Crosby, Texas owned by the Arkema Group. This plant is on fire because the chemicals that they store have to be kept at a certain temperature or they get hot and explode. Kind of like nuclear reactors! Now the good people at Arkema never thought that their standby generators could be flooded so when the flood did come, it knocked the generators out and the tanks exploded.
Now try to imagine if you can…all of the chemical plants in the United States, including the 114 Nuclear reactors spread around the country, that will go out of control and blow up when the electricity and the cooling systems get knocked out. Only God knows what will happen when these chemicals and biological agents all get out and mix together and what kind of a toxic brew that will create…but you can let your imagination run wild! I recall that in Bopal, India, when the Union Carbide plant blew up 5000 people died and more than 500,000 suffered ill effects up to today. When a coal chemical tank leaked 1700 gallons of toxic chemicals into the river near Charleston, West Virginia the water supply was contaminated for months. I could go on, but you get the picture.
Now, imagine if you can, that every major chemical plant, every major oil and gas pipeline in the USA is on fire! Especially on the East and West Coast. Add to this the dozens or maybe hundreds of mushroom clouds raining down contaminated debris of every sort.
Now, add to this scenario millions of sick, burned and injured people on the move, mostly on foot, lacking food and water and medicines of any kind. They don’t know where to go for safety and shelter and many will die in place when they will be to exhausted to continue. Undoubtedly, they will be cut up and roasted as they are the only source of protein. All cats, rats, dogs, horses, etc. will be consumed in a few days time by a ravenous population. Water or the lack thereof will be the biggest problem and people will be forced to drink contaminated water filled with every type of disease and chemical you can think off. Then typhoid and cholera will decimate millions more and their diarrhea slime and the decomposing of hundreds of thousands or millions of their bodies will add to the problem.
Those who manage to get to the hills of the Carolinas, or the Ozarks or the Rockies will be shot at and kept at bay by the local people who will not be able to help. Those headed to Canada or Mexico will be kept out by these governments as they cannot absorb such a mass of sick and injured people, not to mention the sheer numbers that would overwhelm their society. The Wall that Trump wants to build will be used to keep Americans in and not Mexicans out. There will be no law, no order, no government. The only law will be the law of the gun and might.
Governmental organizations such as FEMA, the Congress, the Defense Dept. etc. Will all be in disarray and take months and most likely years before any semblance of a cohesive government can be re-established.
Now it may be that some of you think that I am exaggerating the scenario, especially the part about roasting and eating people.
Well, that’s because you don’t understand Number Six!
I realized as I talked with different people in different countries and States, that the majority of people have not really thought about nuclear weapons nor do they understand the latest technology behind these weapons. Terms like ICBM, Throw-weight, Ballistic Missile, MIRV, Megaton, Kiloton, Thermonuclear, etc. are not understood nor do the majority of people grasp what the impact of such terms and such weapons mean.
Pretty much everyone has seen the pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were Atomic bombs. Together they killed about 200,000 people. A Hydrogen bomb is 1000 times more powerful and a typical hydrogen bomb dropped on New York City would evaporate the entire city. No one would be able to survive. Both the United States and Russia have over 1000 ICBM (InterContinentalBallisticMissile) each of which can carry 4-10 MIRV (MultipleIndependently targetedReentryVehicle ) each of 100 Kiloton bombs.
Both countries field Nuclear armed submarines and in a typical scenario there would be at least 5-10 Russian subs off the two US Coasts. Each sub carries 14-16 missiles. And each missile carries 5-10 separate nuclear warheads. So at a minimum we are talking about 350 or so nuclear weapons, each 10 times more powerful than what was dropped on Hiroshima descending on the US. Obviously the strategic targets like the shipyards of Boston, the major industrial cities, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, Norfolk, Savannah, Chicago, St Louis, San Diego, LA Oakland, Minot, North Dakota, KC, etc. would be hit. Most with more than one shot, but that still leaves about 300 other targets available to the strike force planners. The ICBM’s would come in about 30-45 minutes later and they will make a believer out of everybody who is still alive at that time.
The good news is that this war won’t last very long, my best guess that it should all be over in a few weeks or even less.
Europe will be devastated. South Korea will cease to exist. Western Russia will be wiped out. The Chinese will be the new rulers of the world and will grow even more powerful and stronger as they supply the machines, tools and equipments as well as manpower to rebuild the world. The Chinese can afford to loose 300 – 500 million people and still come out on top. Plus, the USA cannot afford too many shots at China since Russia will be the main existential threat to the USA.
In Pakistan, the Punjab will be wiped out and will be a no-go zone. India will again dominate. India and China will be the cause of the 4th World War.
Obviously, there are other weapons. But right now none to match the total and complete destruction that Thermonuclear weapons pose. Only God knows what kind of biological and chemical weapons will come into play or will be loosened by the effects of the war.
If what I have been saying so far seems unlikely to you, it is only because you don’t understand point number 5!
You have also not read The Gulf War and the New World Order or A Message of Peace and a Word of Warning. The 4th Khalifa, (may Allah exalt him and raise his status in Paradise) said that the two powers, Gog and Magog or Juj and Majuj, would fight via their proxies and when one side or the other starts to loose they would resort to nuclear weapons.
But aside from that, we now have a situation where the world geopolitical situation has taken on a condition that the most prescient of us could not have envisioned. A President prepared to “totally destroy” another nation, including millions of innocent people who have committed no crime other than to have the bad luck to be born in a terrible place, not to mention the millions of “South Koreans and others who will perish in the process. Indeed, the situation is so charged, that public figures are discussing ways to prevent the President from actually starting a pre-emptive war, although the US Constitution has no legal way to stop him if he should desire to do so.
Of course, no one can know the consequences of a unilateral attack by America on Korea, but I suspect the neither the Chinese or the Russians would view it as anything other than war.
Then there is Syria where the various proxy armies are battling each other and of course the Hadith claims that the War will start in Shams. Just today, American and Russian proxies were firing on each other.
The reality is this. 90% of all Ahmadies on the East and West Coast will be wiped out within days after the start of the 3rd World War. For all practical purposes Ahmadiyyat will cease to exist in America. We will be cut off from Khilafat and will have no way for a very long time to contact each other. This condition may last for some time, even a hundred years or longer.
Eventually, after some time and struggle, Ahmadiyyat will rise from the ashes of a shattered and destroyed civilization and establish the Unity of God once again.