Caricature Of the Holy Prophet Muhammad And Our Responsibilities As Muslims

Recently there is a wave of opinions on the caricature of the Holy Prophet of Islam in France. It is causing havoc in the world generally and the Islamic world especially.
Mocking at the appointees of God is an old phenomenon. Quran also furnishes this fact that, it is an unfortunate endeavour from human beings that whenever we raise a prophet, they make his jest. Every Prophet faced this bad behaviour from his opponents. Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) being a universal prophet had this from his adversaries more than any other prophet.
The Muslim world, because of the profound love for the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) can never stand it. These few lines will try to find out the reaction of a Muslim and a true believer about this serious matter.
Some people in Pakistan, for example, are of the view that the goods imported from France should be banned. Islamic world should go for a boycott. We should drive the French ambassador away and shut the embassy. We should go for either sit-in protest or we should be on roads to demonstrate our anger and unrest. Those who cannot do anything they are just cursing, sitting down in their cold/heated bedrooms or gossiping in their drawing rooms.
An average Muslim will think in line with the above direction. The euphoric Muslim will rush toward protests and break whatever comes in front, raising slogans and shouting. After a daylong effort, he will, however, appease his anger saying, Alhamdulillah, I have done a lot for Islam today.
At this juncture, a question must arise in a healthy mind, is that sufficient for us to do? Will it increase the honour of our dearest Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?
A Prophet who was not only a source of blessings and grace for Muslims, he was equally Rahmah for disbelievers. The prophet who said at the victory of Mecca, that the blood of a human being is more sacred than the Kaaba tullah! Today, we very easily say, let us behead the person who dares do or say anything against the Prophet. The greatest of all Prophets, Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who was anxious to know the condition of the woman who used to throw garbage on him, saying why she didn’t throw today? Is she well? The chief of all the prophets who forgave the killers of his uncle Hazrat Hamzah, the killers of his daughter Hazrat Zainab, the conspirators, those who gave him pains day in and day out.
A parochial orientalist, Montgomery Watt also was of the opinion that the day when Mecca was conquered, I expected that the streets of Mecca will be spilling the blood of the trouble makers, killers, conspirators and bitter enemies of Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) but to my surprise, nothing happened and there was one voice echoing from one corner of Mecca to another corner, “Today you will not be afflicted, you are pardoned, no harm on you, go, may Allah forgive you!”
Holy Prophet is high above all this propaganda or mocking by the unfortunate people. Today, our answer to this unfortunate fellow should be, that we should show the illuming and beautiful face of the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to the world. We should talk about his life which was made a role model for us. We should invoke blessings upon him. We should imbibe the noble character posed by him. We should show the world that he was the holiest, he is the holiest and he will remain the holiest and your caricatures will never harm his paramount majesty and divine honour.
Abdul Azeem Ahmad writes in from Ogun State, Nigeria.