
Azerbaijan Sends 6 More War Veterans To Turkey For Medical Care

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Six more Azerbaijani war veterans wounded during last year’s Upper Karabakh conflict were sent for treatment to Turkey on Tuesday.

The cost of their treatment and rehabilitation will be covered by the Yashat Foundation, a state-run body founded to help families of martyrs and war veterans, according to a statement.

The number of Azerbaijani war veterans who have received medical care in Turkey now stands at 106, with 37 of them having returned to Azerbaijan after successful treatment.

The foundation will continue to send war veterans abroad for necessary medical care, the statement added.

Karabakh conflict

In 1991, the Armenian military occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, or Upper Karabakh, internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory, and seven adjacent regions.

On Sept. 27, 2020, the Armenian army launched attacks on civilians and Azerbaijani forces and violated several humanitarian cease-fire agreements.

During a consequent 44-day conflict, which ended under a deal signed on Nov. 10, Azerbaijan liberated several cities and nearly 300 settlements and villages from Armenian occupation.

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