Eid-el-Fitr: Ensure A Smooth And Rancour Free Party Primaries, Alatoye Pleads With Political Parties

All praise and glorification belong to Allah through Whose providence, grace and blessings we have been able to begin and complete this year’s Ramadan fasting. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions and his true followers till the Day of Judgement.
On behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, I am deeply delighted to felicitate with the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria and across the globe on this auspicious day of Eidul Fitr of the year 1443/2022.
Lessons of Ramadan
The just-concluded Ramadan fasting has offered us the unique opportunity of engaging in moral reformation, spiritual rebirth and regeneration of our social values and ethos. Indeed, like a medical clinic, we have been discharged from the Ramadan clinic after a month-long admission for both therapeutic cleansing of our bodies and the treatment of our various moral and spiritual diseases and vices including hypocrisy, unrighteousness, corruption, dishonesty, fraud, selfishness, cruelty, lying and wickedness, among others are all temporarily cured.
More importantly, now, having completed our annual Ramadan training, it is crucial for us to continue to engage in those various CORE VALUES of worship and virtues that had characterized our lives during Ramadan as we pass through the rest eleven months ahead and beyond.
The Build-up to the 2023 Elections
The month of May and June are very crucial to the democratic growth of Nigeria. The political parties are set to conduct their party primaries in readiness for the 2023 general elections, with the presidential election in February 2023.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community enjoin political participants to ensure a smooth and rancour-free party primaries with the fear of Allah and absolute patriotism. It is expedient to appeal to all aspirants, delegates and citizens to ensure justice, equity and fairness in the choice of candidates for various elective positions in Nigeria.
It is time to pray that Allah choose leaders for us as a result of the elections those whom He will support fully to enable us get out of the economic, security, civil and physical challenges. We should be hopeful that our dear country Nigeria will rise.
We employ all to participate in the current voters’ registration exercise which will enable us to elect good political leaders.
The Global challenge
As the state of global affairs shows, our world is currently passing through a precarious, crisis-laden phase shaped by the effect of the post-Covid-19 economic and political challenges that are being aggravated by the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war the growing global effects and tensions of which are driving humanity to the brinks of a world war. Despite warnings by the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih the fifth, (May Allah Be His Helper) on the consequences of the Russian- Ukraine war, he has continued to pray for the peaceful resolution of the self-inflicted war. In his words”, I pray that the World leaders strive earnestly to safeguard and protect mankind both today and future, from the torment of warfare, bloodshed and destruction”.
In the same vein, at the national level, while some levels of progress are being made in some sectors of our national life, there is no gainsaying that Nigeria has continued to be bedevilled by the crippling challenge of insecurity characterized by the pandemic of kidnapping for ransom and/or ritual killings and the spate of senseless and heinous bloodshed and destructions being perpetrated by the terrorists, bandits and the so-called “unknown gunmen.” More so, our country has continued to wallow in the whirlpool of intra and inter-religious distrust and unhealthy relations, bitter partisan politics, crises of political economy, poverty and unemployment and widespread economic, political and social vices, like corruption, nepotism, injustice, fraud and immorality, all of which have combined to sink the lives of many individuals and the nation into the abyss of deprivations and miseries.
In light of all these, there is need for us to resolutely imbibe and practice continually all the virtues and learnings of Ramadan, like fear of Allah, selflessness, righteousness, honesty, truthfulness, simplicity, generosity, dutifulness, sympathy and sacrifice, among others, in order to positively turn things around. Expediently, we must entrench mutual cooperation for the promotion of common good and welfare, not warfare, and of inclusivity and social responsibility; rededicate to serve God sincerely and humanity selflessly and beneficially; and let reconciliation, loyalty to the nation, peaceful relations, justice, equity and mutual respect, tolerance and love for all and hatred for none be our guiding principles (Qur’an 5:3 & 9; 4:115; 49:10-14) as we move ahead to frontally tackle our common challenges to realize sustainable peace and development of ourselves, our country and the world.
Once again, I heartily rejoice with everyone on this blessed, festive season and pray that Allah let the peace, blessings and happiness that characterize the Eidul Fitr be permanent in the life of every individual, the nation and our world at large. Āmīn.
Ramadan Mubarak !!!
Alatoye Folorunso Azeez
Amir (National Head), Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria