California Governor Signs Bill Requiring Trump Release His Tax Returns To Appear On Ballot

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday signed a bill requiring President Trump to release his tax returns before he can appear on the state’s 2020 primary ballot.
Under S.B. 27, called the “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act,” any candidate running for president or governor of California will be required to file copies of the last five years of their tax returns to the California Secretary of State.
In a statement, Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh called the move “unconstitutional.”
The bill was overwhelmingly approved by the State Assembly and Senate earlier this month.
It includes an “urgency clause,” meaning it would take effect immediately and force the candidates running for president in 2020 to disclose their financial statements.
While Trump is unlikely to pick up California’s electoral college votes regardless of whether he is on the ballot, the push underscores efforts by Democrats to obtain information about his finances.
The legislation comes amid a growing battle between Trump and House Democrats over his tax returns, which he has long refused to release.
The Ways and Means Committee earlier this month filed a lawsuit over the administration’s refusal to release the returns, kicking off what is likely to be a lengthy legal battle.
Trump last week also filed a lawsuit over a new New York law that allows Congress to request his state tax returns.
The president isn’t likely to have a problem securing the GOP presidential nomination regardless of California’s move.