Polls Show Support For Impeachment Weaker In Key Battleground States
New polls from several 2020 battlegrounds show more people oppose than support using impeachment to remove President Trump from office, a potential danger sign for Democrats.
Support for impeachment is under water in new surveys of Wisconsin and Florida, two key states in next year’s fight for the White House.
Trump won both in 2016, turning Wisconsin red for the first time in decades and returning Florida to the GOP column after former President Obama carried it twice.
In New Hampshire and Arizona, two more swing states, most voters oppose impeachment. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton narrowly won the Granite State in 2016, and Democrats believe they have a chance to win Arizona after securing a Senate race last year.
A New York Times–Siena College battlegrounds poll released Wednesday found that majorities in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Florida oppose removing the president from office through impeachment. Majorities or pluralities do support an investigation of Trump, however.
To read full article – http://v.duta.us/GUeRfQAA
Photo – http://v.duta.us/tEfTuQAA
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[31/10, 18:46] Duta Language: *House ⚠️ Passes a Resolution to Formally Proceed with the ❌ Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump*The House of Representatives just passed a resolution that formalizes the procedures of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
It passed with a vote of 232-196.
Remember: This was not a vote to impeach President Trump — rather, it was a vote to formalize the impeachment proceedings
The impeachment inquiry will continue, under the protocols described in the resolution.
The working theory among Democrats is there will be another week or two of closed depositions — and that public hearings before the House Intelligence Committee could begin as soon as the second week in November.