North Korea Threatens US, Japan Over UN Sanctions

North Korea has threatened to sink Japan and reduce the US to “ashes and darkness” for leading the latest UN Security Council sanctions imposed on the country.
The Security Council on Monday unanimously approved a US-drafted resolution, which bans Kim Jong-un’s government from exporting textiles and restricts the shipment of oil products.
“Japan is no longer needed to exist near us,” a statement carried by North Korea’s state media organisation, the Korean Central News Agency (KNCA), said.
The sanctions, which also make it illegal for foreign firms to form commercial agreements with North Korean organisations, were approved by all 15 members of the Security Council, including China and Russia.
Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, claimed the measures – which are a watered-down version of the original US-drafted plan – will starve North Korea of at least $1.3bn in annual revenues.