FrieslandCampina WAMCO Trains Farmers On Safety Awareness

Famurewa explained in a media statement issued in Lagos, “It is essential to us to have robust safety and health structures in place in our offices, on the field, in our homes and with our suppliers. This particular programme identifies potential hazards around dairy farms while proffering solutions to eliminating or minimizing such hazards, and ensuring that the farms are safe.”
Developed by expert Dutch dairy farmers, the farm safety training provides practical, easy-to-comprehend techniques which enable local dairy farmers run a safe and improved smallholding; beneficial both to people and livestock.
In addition to the Safety training, the farmers received training and advice on various aspects of dairy farming, such as feeding and watering, calf-rearing, milking hygiene and practice, milking machine maintenance, hoof care and housing and barn design.
The Farmer2Farmer programme, is a best practise model designed by FrieslandCampina for its Dairy Development Programme (DDP) whereby certified dairy farmers from The Netherlands, specially selected for the programme and intensively trained to prepare them for their missions overseas, share knowledge with local dairy farmer through on-farmer practical training.
The main goal of the Farmer2Farmer programme is to help local dairy farmers under the DDP improve milk quality and productivity.