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Current White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly Called Trump ‘Idiot,’ Disparages Women

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly refers to President Trump as an “idiot,” repeatedly casts himself as a savior, and puts down women as being less intelligent than men, NBC reported Monday.
“He doesn’t even understand what DACA is. He’s an idiot,” Kelly reportedly said in one meeting, per sources who spoke with NBC News. “We’ve got to save him from himself.”
He also reportedly said of immigration negotiations: “If it weren’t for me the president was going to agree to some hasty deal.”
Additionally, NBC reported, Kelly has, on multiple occasions, referred to women as being more emotional than men, and wondered aloud to White House officials why the ex-wives of former staff secretary Rob Porter wouldn’t just move on from their accusations of domestic abuse.
“Some current and former White House officials said they expect Kelly to leave by July, his one-year mark. But others say it’s anyone’s guess,” NBC reported.
“What’s clear is both Trump and Kelly seem to have tired of each other.”