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Just In! 23 Dead, 43 Injured In Indonesia Fireworks Factory

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More than 10 people have been killed and dozens injured after a blaze tore through an Indonesian fireworks factory, police said on Thursday.



The fire broke out at about 9 am in an industrial complex in Tangerang, a satellite city of Indonesia’s capital Jakarta.



Firefighters were still battling the blaze in the mid-afternoon.



“We are still evacuating victims, more 10 than people died but the exact number is still being confirmed,” Harry Kurniawan, Tangerang Kota police chief, told AFP.



“Those who died are completely unrecognisable, totally burnt,” Oni Sahroni told Metro TV.



Pictures showed the fire had collapsed parts of the building, scorched nearby cars and sent plumes of black smoke into the air.



The factory part of a complex that borders a residential area had only been operating for one and a half months and all the victims are factory workers.

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