2020 Eidul Kabir Message: An Unusual Eid Kabir Celebration
1. We give all praises and glorifications belong to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. We testify that He is the only one worthy of worship, and we invoke His blessings on the chief and the seal of all prophets, Muhammad, Sallah lahu alaihi wa salaam.
2. We thank Allah for the privilege of witnessing this year’s Eid-ul-Adha, given the threat to life occasioned by the outbreak of COVID-19. This makes it all the more incumbent on us to be appreciative of Allah’s favours, to be faithful to Him, and to dedicate our lives to serve Him and His creatures.
3. It is instructive that this year’s Eid -ul- Adha, is being celebrated without the much fanfare associated with the festival of sacrifice across the world. In particular, this year’s hajj rites are not performed by Muslims faithful outside the city of Makkah. In Nigeria, many state governments have cancelled the traditional festivities that will attract crowd as a result of COVID-19 protocols.
4. The effects of COVID-19 on the global economy obviously has had its tolls of Muslims purchasing power to fulfill the obligations of slaughtering rams as they would have love to. Visits to homes and family members will be affected too. Indeed, this is an unusual time.
5. Be that as it may, as we celebrate the Eid, we should remember the obedience of prophet Ibrahim and his faithfulness which originated the institution of this Eid. Our obedience should however not be limited to Allah but also to lawfully constituted authorities as demanded of us by the Holy Qur’an. Chapter 4 verse 60.
6. Sadly too, it is not a secret that things are not what they should be in our country. But we cannot hold the government as solely responsible. We are all involved. And except we change our ways, and focus on value change, no miracle can happen. The Holy Qur’an chapter 13 verse 12 teaches that Allah will change our condition only if we change our ways. We have to aggressively deal with the issue of corruption in all its ramifications, be our brothers’ keepers, and see humanity as one. We should treat others the way we want to be treated.
7. Our respect for modesty is in a free fall. Shameful acts are becoming common place. Atrocities that were never heard of, are making headlines in the news media. These lead to destruction. We urge every well-meaning Nigerian, especially religious leaders, to be in the frontline to fight the shamelessness. Let us remember that when the wrath of Allah descends, it would not affect only those who have sinned. Chapter 8 verse 26
8. The peace that is being threatened all over the world can easily be restored if we adhere to the teachings of Islam. Islam, as a religion of peace, provides us with solid solutions to the various crises around the world. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is in the forefront of calling the attention of mankind to the true teachings of Islam, this being the panacea to our problems. We call on all our Muslim brethren to return to the pristine teachings of Islam, as demonstrated by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wa salaam) so that the world might know peace and live in peace.
9. We wish all Muslims Eid Mubarak. May Allah accept our sacrifice.
Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez
Amir Sahib (National Head)
Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama’at Nigeria