Post COVID-19: The Way Forward For Business In Africa

Africa has a fast-growing economy, mainly due to its resources, which include its people. The African population over the years has proven to be industrious and ready to go the extra mile given the opportunity. And up until the pandemic hit, there were opportunities for innovation, investments, and other business opportunities.
But despite the setback, an opportunity has also been created for Africa to redefine how it does business, to suit the changing times.
One of the areas that have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus is the employment sector, one which is key to the growth of the African economy. And even before that, employment in Africa was a pressing topic for many governments and policymakers.
There was the unemployment problem, which was created by a lack of sufficient jobs for the growing population, which is primarily made up of the youth. And even then, many Africans looked to self-employment as a way to proactively solve the problem. This shift towards freelancing is structural and is gradually growing from just a trend into a powerful driver of economic growth. This got to the point where more people, especially the youth, who were looking for more control in their career, through flexible working hours, would leave their jobs to freelance.
However, with the pandemic, even those who were fortunate to have traditional jobs are facing the threat of experiencing a decline in income due to reduced working hours or losing them completely. This proves that the traditional work or employment structure is not the most sustainable, especially during certain situations, such as a crisis and so it is time for it to be reviewed. This threat will put a strain on the livelihoods of the average citizen and is also likely to increase poverty.
Despite the gloomy picture, there is a silver lining where an alternative way of doing business can be introduced to put the skills and qualifications of the African citizen to good use and give businesses that don’t have the luxury of retaining staff a cost-effective option. The Africent Group recognizes the need for a solution to the traditional way of doing things, as well as a more convenient way for individual professionals to conduct business.
They have, therefore, created Kreek Africa, @, an online community that connects freelancers to businesses on a secure platform to conduct business. This smart way of doing business promises to revolutionize the employment scene in Africa by giving Africans visibility and a competitive edge in the global market.
And despite the fact that this form of employment model is popular in other parts of the world, Kreek Africa will be the one that recognizes the resourcefulness of the African workforce to offer an enabling platform that nurtures it without discrimination. The platform promises an easy and convenient way for business people to go about their work, with a secure verification process and the other strict measures put in place to protect its users.
It also promises to give professionals from various fields, disciplines, and industries, all over Africa, an opportunity to showcase their skills and qualifications to be recognized and be a part of projects that will add value to their work. Kreek Africa also seeks to capitalize on the existing widespread knowledge and use of technology and the internet to bring opportunities through online solutions pertaining to business growth and personal career development.
Kreek Africa, @ believes that Africa has the necessary resources to grow its economy and get back on its feet, even in the face of a crisis. The initiative, in the long run, will enrich the lives of the African population.