In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
First, we congratulate all Muslims for the celebration of Eid-el Kabir in commemoration of Abraham’s exemplary and unalloyed faith in Allah and submission to His Will. Coincidentally, Nigeria needs to celebrate the Praise of Allah for accepting our prayers and graciously restoring President Muhammad Buhari to sound health after a life-threatening ailment.
It is like the case of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael) whose life was to be sacrificed to Allah, but Allah graciously grant him life, bringing about great joy and relief to the father (Abraham), the mother and son, for which they extolled the Glory of Allah, affirmed their faith in Him, and rendered profound gratitude. So, Nigeria should go on celebrating the Praise of God for restoring the health of our President, a man of integrity and selflessness. May God bless all those who prayed for him.
But we need to go further by rededicating our lives to the service of God and wellbeing of the generality of Nigerians and mankind at large through concerted effort in fighting corruption, standing for justice and equality of rights, and promoting peaceful and harmonious coexistence. For all Muslims and all those who believe in Almighty God of all Creation, our motto should be love for all and hatred for none. If we do not fight corruption and eschew injustice and wrongdoing, then we should be prepared for the wrath of God and relegation of our nation as promised to Abraham in the Holy Qur’an:
“And remember when his Lord tried Abraham with certain commandments which he fulfilled. He (Allah) said ‘I will make thee a Leader of mankind’. He (Abraham) asked: ‘And from my offspring?’ He (Allah) replied: ‘My covenant does not extend to wrongdoers (the unjust)’. ” Q.2:124/125
The example of Abraham is meant to be emulated by true Muslims and all believers. But we are not prepared to sacrifice our greed and do away with our corrupt and immoral propensities, not to talk of sacrificing our lives and those of our dearest ones in the service of Allah and humanity.
So, our celebration will be in vain if we do not eschew selfish materialistic pursuits and wickedness. The consequences of our unbridled corruption may be calamitous if we do not repent in time.
Dr Mashhud Adenrele Fashola
Amir (Head) Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria
September 1, 2017