Strip Club Incident Involving Several NBA Players: There Was Blood Everywhere

The Houston Rockets’ decision to allow Sterling Brown, Kevin Porter Jr and other members of the squad to go out after their defeat to the Miami Heat proved costly.
The players decided to go to a Miami strip club, where Brown suffered cuts to the face from a broken bottle after a fight broke out.
Apparently, Brown got into the wrong car to return to the team hotel, which sparked a heated discussion with the occupants of the vehicle.
A confrontation then began with an exchange of words and ended with the occupants of the car attacking Brown.
“There was blood everywhere,” the police stated in the report about the attack.
“If he hadn’t been someone so fit, so strong, we could be talking about another situation. He could have died.”
In the statement issued by the Rockets, it was mentioned that the forward was fine and that he had never had interaction with the attackers.
“Heartbreaking. It rips your heart out,” Houston coach Stephen Silas said.
“He is one of your players, someone on your team that you care about, someone you are with every day,” he added.
The police report later came to light, in which the authorities assure that Brown did not want to give more information to them, and that he and a friend were “belligerent and refused to cooperate at all times”.