How To Download Instagram Pictures/Videos On iPhone

Many iPhone users may be annoyed that their Apple devices and Instagram do not offer them the possibility to download either pictures or videos from their Instagram feed and stories.
In the event you are not sure how to save an Instagram photo or a clip on your phone, we can offer you a couple of options which may not be as straightforward as downloading a picture from your browser, but it certainly becomes quite easy for users once they get used to them.
Download Instagram pictures on iPhone through URL
Although it may not be as easy as you may have expected when you bought your first iPhone, this way is tested and works for the users who are willing to save Instagram pictures on their Apple devices.
To do so via the picture/video URL you just need to follow these simple steps:
1. Open your Instagram app and go to the picture that you want to download on your iPhone
2. Tap on the three dots in the right top corner
3. Tap ‘Copy share URL’
4. Open you Safari app
5. ‘Paste and go’ the URL
6. Open Notes and start a new note
7. Paste the picture there and then tap ‘Save image’
8. The image will be downloaded on your iPhone
Download Instagram videos on iPhone through an app
To save an Instagram story you just need to download a third-party app which will make your life easier and will help you download the video you want to have in a matter of just a few seconds.
ReShare Story is one of the most popular apps out there and lets you download videos by following these easy steps:
1. Download the ReShare Story app from the App Store
2. Sign in through your Instagram account
3. You go to the Instagram story you want to download
4. Tap ‘Options’ and then tap ‘Save’
5. The video will be saved in your camera roll