Angela Merkel Warns Germany Not To Reopen Too Quickly

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned the country not to move too quickly out of lockdown and jeopardise what it has achieved in slowing down the coronavirus.
Germany has been widely praised for its response to the outbreak. Mass testing and effective lockdown restrictions have helped keep the death toll far lower than in other European countries.
Germany’s 16 federal states have been given control of easing the lockdown, with shops and schools allowed to reopen this week.
“It would be depressing if we have to return to restrictions that we want to leave behind us because we want too much too soon,” Merkel told the Bundestag.
She added her government was not planning to increase any taxes or contributions to finance the cost of coping with the coronavirus crisis.
Merkel also said that Germany’s aim was that all border controls in the Schengen travel zone be lifted by 15 June.